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What should I do if the AC platform server cannot find a wireless AP?

There are many possible reasons why the AC platform server can't find the AP. In summary, there are the following reasons: (1) The route connection method is incorrect or there is a problem with the network settings. If the route is not network, the application cannot be controlled.

What should I do if I can't connect to the AP? (Can search for WiFi signal, but not connected)

1. Confirm if the wireless name and password are incorrect. Confirmation method: Enable the upper-layer routing AC platform server to view the AP's wireless name and password.

The wireless signal connected to the AP is unstable.

After connecting to a wireless AP, the Internet is unstable. Generally speaking, the wireless connection is not connected, the Internet is slow, or the wireless is dropped.

The terminal connected to the wireless AP does not have a network.

1. Confirm that the gateway (route) is set to be in the state of being networked. If not, please set the gateway (route) to access the Internet.